We welcome college-bound high school seniors with the chance to compete for a statewide scholarship.
Greater Niagara Federal Credit Union is offering high school seniors moving forward with their education the opportunity to compete for a statewide scholarship through the New York Credit Union Association’s College Scholarship Program. Furthering the opportunity for applicants, Greater Niagara FCU is providing two additional $500 scholarships for even more chances toward educational assistance!
Scholarships may be applied at a two or four year accredited educational institution.
Take the Next Steps to Success
To take advantage of this opportunity, students must complete the below requirements.
2. Obtain the necessary transcripts, along with a parent or guardian’s signature.
3. Compose and submit the required essay.
4. Sign up for a Greater Niagara FCU membership if not already. To request to start a membership call either of our branches:
***Please note that each applicant will need to input a Credit Union Verification Code on the top of their application, which they can receive by calling either branch. This code will verify that you are eligible to apply for this scholarship!***