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Personal finance and money management is often something we have to seek out on our own, as it is rarely considered an educational necessity growing up. However, not everyone’s pursuit of financial education looks the same, and that’s OK! Whether you want a first-hand deep dive into rich investing, a simple guide explaining where to begin, a full historical overview, or you want to learn not how to make more money, but spend more money, this comprehensive list has you covered. Influenced by Goodreads scores of 3.50/5.00 or higher, we are providing you with our recommended list of finance reads to up your economic education.

The Simple Path to Wealth by J.L. Collins

Growing out of a series of letters to the author’s daughter, this book expands further into what originated as parental advice about money, investing, and other various financial topics. You won’t find top secret tips and shortcuts to getting rich fast buried in the pages of this read, but rather a slow and steady climb to financial independence through simple strategies everyone can use. 

Goodreads Rating: 4.46/5.00

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel 

In this fascinating read, the author shares 19 short stories exploring the ways people think about money, and teaching readers throughout how to make better sense of it themselves. Written into the book’s concise, crisp chapters are timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness relayed through assertive language and behavioral explanations.

Goodreads Rating: 4.39/5.00   

We Need to Talk About Money by Otegha Uwagba

Written as her own personal memoir about money, the author dives even deeper to explore emotional and societal factors affecting life’s financials. So much more than just a “how to” guide, this book is about the misogyny permeating toxic workplaces, the pride of getting pay raises, and the shame of getting evicted. It’s about class status, privilege, gender, race, and how attitudes instilled in us as children can influence how we behave with money in adulthood. Simply put, it’s a first hand experience about managing money with life. 

Goodreads Rating: 4.31/5.00 

The Cash Machine by Dave and Chana Mason 

Unlike probably any other personal finance book you’ve read before, The Cash Machine combines fiction with hundreds of money lessons to create a page-turning love story that gives you the tools to drive your financial destiny. This hybrid novel succeeds in providing a great introduction to not only the mechanics, but emotions and psychology, behind money. In fact, another unique selling point to this book is that it wasn’t written by financial experts at all, but rather a relatable scenario from two individuals who managed to dig themselves out of the dreaded debt hole. 

Goodreads Rating: 4.25/5.00

Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money by Bola Skunbi

A personal finance book written by a woman for women, this is a helpful introduction to the world of investing and a great starting point for those who don’t know where to begin. A guide that gives readers the tools to take action toward financial success, they learn key investment terms and knowledge that doesn’t just end on the page but sets them up for continual growth in the future.   

Goodreads Rating: 4.25/5.00

A Little History of Economics by Niall Kishtainy

How can you grow your personal finance knowledge today without understanding the past economic ideas and forces that shape our world? Told in short chronological chapters, this clear and easily understandable book piques curiosity through main ideas, concepts and influential thinkers of every era, ideal for readers new to economics and those seeking to gain a more full understanding of the history. 

Goodreads Rating: 4.09/5.00 

Your money or Your Life by Joe Dominquez 

Though this is a book about finances, it’s also about life and how readers can structure theirs to match their values. Perhaps constantly working toward more and more money isn’t the right advice for everyone, as this book covers just that by gently guiding readers into reevaluating their predetermined ideas surrounding money. It poses important questions like how much is enough, and even ties in the impact of consumerism on the planet.

Goodreads Rating: 3.99/5.00

Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School by Cary Siegel 

This book was initially developed for the author to pass on to his five children as they entered adulthood and began their financial journey. However, while writing the author realized just how little personal finance and money management skills are taught throughout high school, college and even MBA programs. In response he decided to share thought provoking and straightforward advice about the practical principals, personal lessons, and decision making regarding money. 

Goodreads Rating: 3.84/5.00

Die with Zero by Bill Perkins

Rather than falling down the “save until you die” rabbit hole, the author presents a socially unpopular philosophy and practical guide on how to get the most from your money and your life. The book presents an alternative perspective on saving and spending that draws on eye-opening insights about money, and happiness from psychology and behavioral finance. Provoked by personal experience as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others Die with Zero walks the line of overspending and underliving.

Goodreads Rating: 3.77/5.00   

An Economist Walks into a Brother: And Other Unexpected Places to Understand Risk by Allison Schrager

Though not so straightforwardly money related, this book is written from the perspective of a professional economist and presents readers with five principles for dealing with risk. For instance, she interviews a professional poker player about how to stay rational when the stakes are high, horse breeders in Kentucky about how to diversify risk and minimize losses, and other high stakes career fields. Exploring real situations in terms of non-financial activities, the author explains the core ideas of financial economics so readers can better measure risk and uncertainty in their own financial journey.

Goodreads Rating: 3.57/5.00

Whether you’re new to finances, or a pro just trying to grow your wealth — the simple path seems to be the one to take. According to each of the rankings on our list, The Simple Path to Wealth by J.L. Collins scored the highest among readers. So, your money won’t manage itself — the best time to start your page turning journey is now.