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Time Management — Getting Rid of Your Debt to the Clock

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about time, it’s that no matter how hard you try you just can’t seem to stop the clock. However, while you may not be able to change time, you can manipulate your time with a few clever tips and tricks. Keep reading to learn how you can eliminate your debt to time.

Set Goals

To-do lists don’t have to be long daunting tasks you can’t wait to be rid of, instead try making your list short and focused so your goals can be reached more realistically. Remember, realistic goals can also be flexible goals, so don’t get stuck in a time rut if you don’t have to. Sometimes the bigger picture may change along the way forcing you to readjust some of the smaller day to day, and that’s OKAY. Let’s say that again, it’s okay! Time management is not a one one way street, goals can be broken down and manipulated however you need along the way.

Physically Plan

The most classic method of time management is of course using your favorite pen and a monthly planner. Carrying an agenda as your primary timekeeping tool is great because it allows you to sit down with all your tasks and write through them one by one. Plus, there’s something so satisfying about getting to physically check items off your to-do list. If digital time management is more your speed try out some different online time tracking softwares so you can keep track of how long your to-do’s take you. 

By leaning on an online calendar, you always have access to what needs to be done and when, while receiving helpful reminders and notifications throughout the day. The best part about using an online calendar is it can be integrated with other users so multiple people at once can manage their time efficiently.


Prioritizing your time is one of the most important, albeit difficult, components of time management, as it can feel like everything is important enough to need your attention all at once. However, one of the most vital ways you can make the most of your day is to STOP multitasking. That’s right, according to Psychology Today, only 2% of people can effectively multitask while the remaining 98% are actually hindering their productivity. Another way you can better prioritize your time is to block out distractions like non-important notifications and time spent on social media which actually has one of the most negative impacts on time management.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

The National Sleep Foundation advises that healthy adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Getting a good night’s sleep is the best way to ensure you’re ready to tackle the next day head on, while making the most of your time — whether at work, attending school, or taking care of young ones. Our mind’s and body’s make better, more efficient decisions the more well rested we are. If you’ve noticed yourself falling out of a healthy sleep schedule, try to retrain your sleep cycle little by little. The earlier you can fall asleep, the earlier you can usually wake up which means you’ll have more time in the mornings. Plus, as a bonus you may even start to notice yourself saving some money on those daily coffee runs.

Refresh & Recharge

Many people tend to forget that taking breaks is an important part of effective time management. Little breaks throughout the day can actually make your productivity level higher as this allows you to decompress and return to your tasks with a fresh new perspective. If you’re feeling particularly low in energy you can even use these breaks to regain initiative. Try searching some motivational Ted Talks, looking back on personal anecdotes, or keeping a list of inspirational quotes you love.

Keeping Greater Track

Don’t spend another second wondering where the time went. Start building your skills and properly planning out your tasks by using the above strategies to help you. You may be surprised with how much better you can feel about your time management.

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